Prerequisite: Earn the Able Trailman Rank.
This Patch and Medallion pair is awarded to the Navigator when he completes the requirements for Ready Trailman. The patch is suspended from a button on his uniform. The medallion is affixed to his Troop Standard.
Prerequisite Work #
1. Earn the Able Trailman Rank
Trail Badge Work #
2. Complete all nine Trail Badges required for the Ready Trailman Rank.
3. Earn a total of five elective Trail Badges of your choice since joining as a Navigator.
Servant Service #
4. Complete 15 hours of service for each year since joining Navigators.
Troop Involvement #
5. Maintain a level of Troop meeting attendance acceptable to your Trailmaster (typically 60% or better)
6. Participate in at least 16 Troop activities since becoming a Navigator, not including regular meetings.
Since earning the Able Trailman Rank, complete one of the following leadership options: #
7. Serve as a Junior Patrol Leader for a minimum of six months.
8. At five troop meetings, demonstrate your leadership ability by planning and instructing Recruit or Able Trailmen in significant Ready Trailmen required Trail Badge skills approved by your Trailmaster or Trail Guide.
9. At five troop meetings, demonstrate your leadership ability by planning and instructing a Woodlands Trail group in significant skills approved by your Trailmaster or Trail Guide and the Woodlands Trail Ranger.
Worthy Life Award #
10. Complete the Navigator Worthy Life Award. (Requirements and Signature Page on pages 84 through 90)
Mark Your Progress #
11. Successfully complete an Advancement Conference with your Trailmaster or Trail Guide.
12. Successfully complete a Board of Review.